Do I Need to Get My Blood Sugar Tested?(我是否需要检测血糖?)

广东疾控  2016-11-14 22:28

People who have one or more of the following risk factors should talk to their doctor about getting their blood sugar tested:✔ Being overweight.✔ Being 45 years or older.✔ Having a family history of type 2 diabetes.✔ Being physically active less than 3 times a week.✔ Ever having gestational diabetes or giving birth to a baby who weighed more than 9 pounds.

如果您有以下一个或多个风险因素,请联系医生进行血糖测试:✔ 超重✔ 45岁或以上✔ 有2型糖尿病的家族史✔ 每周身体锻炼少于三次✔ 有妊娠期糖尿病或分娩的新生儿体重超过9磅(4082克)

Diabetes complications and related conditions include the following:


➡ Heart disease and stroke: People with diabetes are twice as likely to have heart disease or a stroke as people without diabetes.心脏病和中风:糖尿病患者罹患心脏病或中风的几率是没患糖尿病人群的两倍。

➡ Blindness and other eye problems: Diabetic retinopathy (damage to blood vessels in the retina), cataracts (clouding of the lens), and glaucoma (increase in fluid pressure in the eye) can all result in vision loss.致盲及其他眼疾:糖尿病视网膜病(视网膜血管损害),白内障(晶状体混浊),以及青光眼(眼压增大)都可导致视力丧失。

➡ Kidney disease: High blood sugar levels can damage the kidneys long before a person has symptoms. Kidney damage can cause chronic kidney disease, which can lead to kidney failure.肾脏疾病:血糖水平高可以早在出现症状之前就会损害肾脏。肾脏损害可引起慢性肾脏疾病,可导致肾功能衰竭。

➡ Amputations: Diabetes damages blood vessels and nerves, particularly in the feet, and can lead to serious, hard-to-treat infections. Amputation is sometimes necessary to stop the spread of infection.截肢:糖尿病会损害血管和神经,特别是脚部,可导致严重的、难以治愈的感染。有时截肢是阻止感染的必要做法。

Gestational diabetes is diagnosed during pregnancy and can cause serious complications for mothers or their babies. These complications include preeclampsia (pregnancy-induced high blood pressure), birth-related trauma, and birth defects. Women with gestational diabetes also have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.


Up to 25% of US adults who have diabetes don’t know that they have it or that they could be developing serious complications.


Diabetes Management糖尿病管理

People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin for life to survive. For people with type 2 diabetes, healthy eating, regular physical activity, and medicines to lower blood sugar can help prevent or delay complications. Both groups need to work closely with their health care team to receive diabetes education, regular checkups, and ongoing support to self-manage their health.


